
Hello! I like to connect things and work together with computers.

In the past, I've done art installations, VJ'd on various occasions (from all-night raves to acoustic folk) and provided technical backing (live sound, video, live streaming, etc.) for all sorts of events, notably the Prague Microfestival. I've also been a speaker on topics broadly concerning psychology (in particular, lucid dreaming - a talk I first gave in 2012, but ended up repeating at least a dozen times throughout the years), philosophy, and the internet - that is, the dynamics of online communities, and the emergence of new aesthetics. Most of this has been as a part of /-\ (sdbs), or in collaboration with the Diffractions Collective.

My interests revolve around aleatoric art (a term I prefer to "procedural" or "generative" art, as one doesn't necessarily always cede control to the process or a procedure), human-computer interaction (especially tools for thought) and psychology, in which I have a Bachelor's degree, and from which I'm most interested in psychoanalysis, sleep and dreams.

I'm working on UpEnd. It's a hypertextual graph database, and the aim is to do away with the limits of hierarchies, the inability of current software to meaningfully relate information, and broadly, to expand the range of the expressible.

Shoot me a message at!



Audiowalk Divoká Štvanice

App programming & technical realization.


Technical backing - videocalls with custom UI and MQTT automation, IoT smart appliances integration, interactive audio.

Reproduktor Galaxie Komplexu

Technical realization of a collaborative physical theater piece in which people get to listen to a site-specific local Wi-Fi broadcast.

UpEnd dev log #0.1 - Frustration and Files

UpEnd is a project born out of frustration…

Line and Surface

An interactive (potentially infinite) canvas containing texts, images and deconstructed videos inspired by and reflecting Vilém Flusser's essay Line and Surface (in Writings, 2002). The user can navigate the canvas by clicking and dragging, and zoom in and out by scrolling. Conception and technical implementation.



Technical backing only - A/V streams, 3D printing, automatic sewing machine operation.

Food Forest Generator

Web frontend, as well as consultation regarding the initial conception.

Speculative Ecologies

I coded up the Augmented Reality installation accessible from within the book.


Operation Anthropolysis

Visuals, audio, technical backing.

A partial recreation available at: /<\ Operation Anthropolysis: Or, the Delusional Dream-Flowers of the Spinal Nerve Tree


Ruins of Intolerance #006

Visuals & projections.